6 Kasım 2016 Pazar

Sürüncemede: Nesne Değil Özne / Suspended: not an object but a subject

Sürüncemede: Nesne Değil Özne / Suspended: not an object but a subject 

Sürüncemede: Nesne Değil Özne 

Fırat Bingöl, Ulaş Çıbuk, Fırat Engin, Şehnaz Layıkel, Ceyda Pirali, Cengiz Tekin, Çiğdem Üçüncü

Sergi 12.11. - 3.12.2016, Açılış 11.11.2016, 19:00 

Scotty e.V.
Çağdaş Sanat ve Deneysel Araçlar Proje Alanı
Oranienstr. 46, 10969 Berlin

“Sürüncemede: Nesne Değil Özne”, AB stratejisinde sınır güvenliğini mültecilerin geldiği “güvenli” ülkelere genişletmesinden esinlenerek hazırlanmış bir sergi. Sergi, güncel mülteci politikasını sorgulamakta. Berlin’de bir proje alanı olan Scotty, insan hakları ihlalleri ve azınlıklara yönelik müdahaleler konusunda işler üreten 7 Türkiyeli sanatçıya ev sahipliği yapıyor. Sanatçılar, bu sergide yer alan işlerinde AB ve Türkiye arasındaki düzenlemelere, bu düzenlemelerin tarihsel gelişimine ve etkilerine odaklanıyorlar. Sanatçılar özellikle Türkiye ve Almanya arasında süregiden pazarlıklara, vize muafiyetine, mültecilerin ülkelerine geri dönmelerine ve onlara sunulan desteklere odaklanıyorlar. Anlaşmada, Türkiye’nin olağanüstü hal ilanı ve ülkenin doğusundaki iç savaş benzeri koşullar göz ardı ediliyor, Türkiye yasal olarak sınırdışı edilen mülteciler için “güvenli” bir ülke olarak sunuluyor. Türkiye ve AB arasındaki düzenleme, mültecilerin geldikleri ülkeler ve geçişe izin veren ülkeler ile benzer anlaşmalar açısından bir şablon olarak görülüyor.
Scotty’deki bu sergi “kaçış ve mülteciler” temalı süregiden bir dizi etkinliğin bir parçası.

Suspended: not an object but a subject

Fırat Bingöl, Ulaş Çıbuk, Fırat Engin, Şehnaz Layıkel, Ceyda Pirali, Cengiz Tekin, Çiğdem Üçüncü

Exhibition 12.11. - 3.12.2016, Opening 11.11.2016, 19:00

Scotty e.V.
Projektraum für zeitgenössische Kunst und experimentelle Medien
Oranienstr. 46, 10969 Berlin

„In Europe, the year 2016 has been characterised by an acceleration of policies of externalisation and shifting of controls on refugees and migrants. … Countries of origin and transit, such as Mali, Niger and Turkey, which have all been integrated into border securitisation and the repulsion of asylum seekers and migrants, receive large sums of money as part of these arrangements. These funds are spent on border security technology, training of border guards, readmission agreements and joint border patrols – but not on actual concepts for protection or improving reception conditions. …..In their negotiations with the EU and its member states countries of origin and transit are reduced to mere vassal states to whom either money, liberalisation of visa regulations or vague mobility concessions for selected groups are promised in return for services in the combating of migration. By contrast, states who are not willing to co-operate face penalties such as trade sanctions or embargos.“
Excerpt fom the Position paper by PRO ASYL, medico international and Bread for the World about European policy of externalisation of border controls that leads to massive violations of human rights. 05.08.2016

This exhibition is stimulated by the shift in EU strategy to expand its border security to “safe” countries of origin. It raises question about the current refugee policy. Scotty is hosting seven Turkish artists, who have dedicated themselves to themes including human rights violations and treatment of minorities . In their current work they reflect on the arrangement between the EU and Turkey, its historical background and its ramifications. The artists focus in particular on the ongoing negotiations between Turkey and Germany, visa exemption versus repatriation and support of refugees. The treaty ignores the fact that Turkey has declared martial law and conditions in the eastern part of the country resemble those of civil war. Instead, Turkey is being declared “secure” to legally receive deported refugees. The arrangement between Turkey and the EU is being viewed as a blueprint for similar treaties with countries of origin and those that allow transit.
This exhibit at Scotty is a further installment in the ongoing series dedicated to “flight” and refugees.
Die Ausstellung nimmt die Verlegung der EU Grenzsicherung in “sichere Herkunftsländer” zum Anlass, Fragen zur aktuellen Flüchtlingspolitik zu stellen. Sieben KünstlerInnen aus der Türkei, die sich seit Jahren politischen Themen wie Menschenrechtsverletzungen und dem Umgang mit Minderheiten widmen, sind zu Gast bei scotty. Sie reflektieren in ihren Arbeiten den EU–Türkei Deal und seine Folgen. Sie binden ihn in einen historischen Zusammenhang ein. Sie richten ihren Blick auf die derzeitigen Verhandlungen zwischen der Türkei und Deutschland, auf Visa-Freiheit versus Rücknahme und Versorgung von Geflüchteten. Dieses Abkommen ignoriert das in der Türkei offiziell der Ausnahmezustand gilt und im Osten des Landes bürgerkriegsähnlich Zustände herrschen. Die Türkei wird als sicheres Dritt-Land erklärt in das Geflüchtete abgeschoben werden dürfen. Der Türkei-EU Deal soll als Blaupause für Abkommen mit weiteren Herkunfts- und Transitländern dienen.

Die Ausstellung bei scotty ist ein weiter Teil einer Serie die sich dem Thema „Flucht“ widmet.

13 Nisan 2016 Çarşamba

"Güncel Sanatta Yeni Bir Atölye Biçimi Olarak Saha Çalışması !"

"Ruh Dolu Kayıklar Su ve Düşler !" sergisi üzerinden gerçekleştireceğim, "Güncel Sanatta Yeni Bir Atölye Biçimi Olarak Saha Çalışması" başlıklı konuşmaya davetlisiniz...

Konuşma 14.06.2016 Perşembe Günü saat: 12.30'da MSKÜ Bodrum Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi Kırmızı Salon'da... 

24 Mart 2016 Perşembe

// Ruh Dolu Kayıklar, Su ve Düşler ! - Boats filled with Soul, Water and Dreams !

“Boats Filled With Soul, Water and Dreams!”

According to the report prepared in September 2013 by the United Nations, four and a half million people are deprived of their homes, while three million people are in immigrant status. We are faced with the most prominent immigrant crisis ever experienced and suffered in history. This crisis is bringing forth several problems of socio-cultural character extending over a wide range of territory from the Middle East to the heart of Europe (such as socio-economic as well as cultural integration problems that the immigrants are forced to encounter both in the course of migration process and in the geographical territories they are seeking refuge at). Whereas the Western states facing problems in coping with all of the aforesaid problems, are introducing from one day to the next, tough and strict practices towards the refugees. Such an extensive and massive problem is necessarily and sometimes inadvertently attracting journalists, sociologists, artists, aid organizations, as well as major humanistic charity organizations worldwide; new ones are incessantly added to the newsreels, documentaries, exhibitions and aid campaigns. The attraction and tendency generated by the current and inclusive character of the phenomenon and its accompanying tragedy is ever expanding at a global scale.

Likewise, as an artist Fırat Engin is expressing that he is attracted by such a force over the foregoing emotional motivations, and he has thereupon decided to work on this matter. In the course of the trips he has made to the shores of the Aegean Sea to carry out investigations about this issue, he is narrating that the virtuous approach of these people fleeing war and from killing one another is remarkable and admirable as and when they decide to migrate for the sake of sanctity of life. The Artist taking momentary notes of his observations, including what he has seen and heard throughout the course of his field work, is pointing out that he has resolved to convert into his own inner adventure such particulars acquired through media and accumulation of his own experiences, following a period of infusion in mental sense. This decision is originating particularly from over the symbol of “sea”, shores extending along the coastline, coves, boats, waves and fishermen; teas sipped, stories told, households visited, imbued with the lyrical impact created by the personal sensations of the artist in response thereto.

Over this lyrical influence, traces left by the Immigrants on this coast of the Aegean, their struggles for transition to the Greek Islands via sea, and over the parallel reading theme set up by the artist with Gaston Bachelard’s book titled “Water and Dreams”, they are depicted in an abstract and cinematographic language, and commencing to enter into a phase of metamorphosis. In this metamorphosed reality, works produced by making use of techniques like video, photography and neon, are attaining references over such literary specimen attempted by Bachelard to analyze in terms of the imagery of substance.

Exhibition titled “Boats Filled With Soul, Water and Dreams!” conspicuous to the effect that it is introducing a diversified viewpoint and reading perspective to the subject matter quite frequently handled from different aspects and eyes up to the present day is at disposal of the audience at Meclis-i Mebusan Number 25 between April 5th and April 30th, 2016.

Date of Opening: 05.04.2016
Time: 18:00 Hours
Address: Meclis-i Mebusan Caddesi No: 25, Tophane, Istanbul
Visiting Hours: 05.04.2016 – 30.04.2016
(Except Sundays, Daily between 11:00 and 17:00 Hours)

5 Şubat 2016 Cuma

#refugees #refugeecrisis

Bodrum, Turgutreis Fenerburnu 

İzmir, Basmane

Ayvalık, Salihleraltı

Ayvalık, Badavut Plajı

Ayvalık, Badavut Plajı

Ayvalık, Salihleraltı

Ayvalık, Salihleraltı

12 Ocak 2016 Salı

But nothing's as hard to do

As just saying goodbye...
